Samstag, 31. März 2012

Parkinson: bioelektrischer "Zusammenbruch"

Entzauberte TCM: 
näher an den physikalischen Realitäten als die westliche Schulmedizin

Gewebezellen der Fascien als Halbleiter für Niederspannungselektriziität ( = Qi )

Hier sind die biologisch-physikalischen Grundlagen der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin mit den Instrumenten westlicher Naturwissenschaften nachvollziehbar und fachwissenschaftlich überprüfbar dargestellt:

Electrophysiology And The Acupuncture Systems
Darren Starwynn, 2001

There have been extensive efforts in recent decades to correlate the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with Western medical science. The most promising bridge between these 2 paradigms has been in the field of bioelectromagnetism (BEM), the study of the subtle electromagnetic fields that are the underpinning of life processes. Most of the significant research in this field comes from Europe, and much of it has not been readily available in the United States. This article is an overview of research in this field, with a focus on understanding acupuncture needling, meridians, life-force, and acupoints from the perspective of BEM.

Interaktionen zwischen Bewusstsein und Staus im Fluss des Niederspannungsstroms (Qi) und des Blutes

Dieser Beitrag verdeutlicht in der Terminologie westlicher Psychiatrie und psycho-somatischer Medizin, was elektrophysiologisch geschieht, wenn traumatische Erlebnisse zu Dissoziation geführt haben - wie es bei der Parkinson-Erkrankung der Fall ist. Vgl. auch Walton-Hadlock, Hurli, Shifke etc.

Psychosomatic Compartmentalization: The Root Of Qi And Blood Stagnation
Michael T. Greenwood, 2001

Stagnation of Qi and Blood is a basic clinical pattern of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but its origin from splits in consciousness is rarely considered clinically significant. This article suggests that the root of stagnation lies in the mind's attempt to control existential anxiety through strategies of energy containment, which give rise to psychosomatic compartmentalization. It is suggested that attention to these strategies is at least as important as any particular acupuncture protocol.

Table 2. Adjunctive Strategies to Move Blood Stagnation
Help the patient become aware of dissociation
Stress the need for the patient to choose to reassociate, which means to be willing to be present with their pain
Clarify the notion of "moving toward" pain instead of habitually fleeing it
Encourage patients to reduce containment/dissociation medication
Point out that pain may get worse before it gets better
Counsel patients that they may have to confront emotionally-charged material

Greenwood kennzeichnet die Wirkungen neurotischer Störungen des Bewusstseins auf energetische Zustände des Körpers: Eingrenzungen und energetische Abtrennungen ganzer Körperregionen führen zu den typischen Störungen, wie Angststarre, Muskelanspannungen, Taubheitsempfindungen und teilweisen Lähmungen. Ohne veränderte psychische Selbstwahrnehmung neigen diese Störungen zu chronischen Leiden.

Michael T. Greenwood,1999

ABSTRACTBehind the current focus on evidence-based medicine and outcome studies lies an assumption that things are unacceptable as they are and need to be changed. I posit that such a view reflects a profound sense of alienation in Western consciousness, which necessarily affects both practitioner and patient in the therapeutic encounter. This article explores this and other Western psychological splits, relating them to Oriental energetic philosophies, and discusses the peculiar impact of "individuation" on the development of symptoms in Western man.

und hier ist Michael Greenwood's Artikel in paradox publishing über die Abtrennung des Gefühls vom rationalen Verstand .. und die Folgen für den Patienten_

Acupuncture and the Heart-Mind Split
Michael T. Greenwood MB,BChir,CCFP,CAFCI,FRSA
The Oriental medical concept of a Heart-mind split has no obvious counterpart in Western medicine. Patients with such a split are often labelled as anxious or depressed, and treated pharmacologically. The author contends that the omission occurs because the split is a fundamental feature of collective consciousness, and an expression of both medicine and scientific rationalism. He goes on to say that conventional treatment regimens may inadvertently exacerbate the split while in contrast, acupuncture’s holistic philosophy can offer a way to successful re-integration.
Beachten sie bitte auch das Posting vom 8. Oktober 2015 mit weiteren Nachweisen naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema Akupunktur in diesem Blog.